Latest: Conversations with the Grand Master
Watch our exclusive series of interviews with the Grand Master of the Order, where we discuss Ritual, Initiation, Fraternalism, Mixed Lodges, the importance of Morality, the Order's study curriculum, and more...
Discover lesser-known details on the various Egyptian Rites, the works of the EMO UK, and articles on the Hermetic Arts, Esoteric Masonry, Masonic Alchemy, Occultism, and classical esotericism. There are also guest articles from knowledgeable Masons of Egypt.
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The Official Noticeboard of the EMO UK
Take a look at our selection of short articles and commentaries...
We are the Grand Lodge and Grand Sanctuary of the Egyptian Masonic Order UK, working in the Traditional and Hermetic Rites of Egyptian Masonry.
We are a Liberal Masonic Order open to all genders, offering Initiation into the Egyptian Rites (Ancient and Primitive Rites of Memphis and Misraïm, and Traditional Egyptian Rite) through our Grand Lodge and Local Lodges. We are a Universal Order, offering admission into the Higher Degrees of Masonry through the Nine Mansions of our Sanctuary.
We operate from the UK, serving the British Isles and Territories, and the countries of the UK Commonwealth. To learn more about our Rites, go to
CUBIC STONE TV, to see our Interviews with the Grand Master.
We currently meet in London, and we are working to open new Lodges in South Wales, the West Country, and South-East England. Read our Testimonials page to learn more about our Members' experiences.
To learn about our latest works, go to THE CUBIC STONE, our Order Noticeboard.
For all Membership and Affiliate Applications, please click the Symbol below for Enquiries:
We offer Initiation into the Ninety Degrees of the Ancient and Primitive Rites of Memphis-Misraim and the Traditional Egyptian Rite, with a practical focus on the Key Degrees of the Rites. We convey the psycho-spiritual attunements widely known as the Points Chauds. We also train and instruct our Initiates in the Egyptian Masonic Mysteries, Traditional Hermetic Rites, and many other areas of the Western Mystery Tradition.
Initiations are conveyed as part of a full Masonic Curriculum. Every Degree has an accompanying Degree Handbook with all the symbolism, keys and mysteries related to the Degree; a series of Lectures on Egyptian Masonry and many related subjects, including Alchemy, Theurgy, Classical Astrology, Qabalah, Neo-Platonism, Gnosticism, Rosicrucianism, Hermetic Science, Metaphysics, and Practical Philosophy; a set of Philosophical, Theurgical and Alchemical Works to be performed by the Initiate.
Initiates are expected to write a short Lecture for each Degree, and take questions on their chosen subject, to demonstrate their competence. Progression through the Degrees is strictly meritocratic.
We accept Master Masons from any other Masonic Obedience among us, with the choice of joining sub rosa. Independent Lodges requiring a full Curriculum and administrative support may also affiliate and regularise with the EMO UK. We are able to Charter local EMO Triangles and Lodges.
All Members must sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA).
The Egyptian Masonic Order UK embodies a
full esoteric system - the 'whole Tree' - through its three tiers of the Lesser Mysteries (1-18-33), the Greater Mysteries (34-66-86), and the Supreme Mysteries (87+).
We represent a form of Universal Egyptian Freemasonry that embraces all genders.
We work within the perennial mysteries of Egyptian Freemasonry, and maintain the perpetual value of the Egyptian Rite as a flower of the Western Mystery Tradition.
We uphold the sacred Masonic principles of Silence and Secrecy.
We seek to work diligently to improve and perfect our moral, ethical, psychological and spiritual natures; we welcome all sincere seekers.
We uphold Liberty as responsible freedom, Equality as true equity, and both Fraternity and Sorority as aspects of Human Fellowship.
We see Egyptian Masonry and its esoteric correlations as contemporary expressions of the Great Work of Thoth, Hermes, Pythagoras and Solomon.
We aim to accomplish the Great Work, both collectively and through our own individual efforts.
We prefer Peace over war, Joy over conflict, Work over display, Communion over competition, and Faith over cynicism.
We are indifferent to opinion, politics and religion, but never to human suffering.
We are made of stars! Of stars!
Our atoms and the fabric of our cells are the reconstituted substance of the Cosmos, the recycling of Nature.
Everything exists continually, although its form changes.
Everything regenerates.
Everything flows towards eventual reintegration.
In the Egyptian Rite of Masonry, the Candidate is taken on many journeys through the various Degrees and Houses, experiencing all aspects of the Hidden Mysteries in an orderly fashion. The array of symbolism is dazzling and varied, reflecting aspects of the Cosmic Order, but the main themes running throughout are Regeneration and Reintegration.
When we focus keenly on the process of Regeneration, happening all around us - in nature, in the subtle planes, within ourselves - we slowly begin to recognise something important.
This initial Recognition is essential before anything may be gained by the Candidate, even from the first three Symbolic Degrees. Having gained this Recognition, we discover an entirely new, yet infinitely ancient mode of understanding Life.
This Recognition cannot be conveyed in words, or passed on through external teaching. It is always a subjective and personal revelation, leaving the person silent, awe-struck, reverent. It is singular, and its presence is distinctive in the eyes of the beholder. The Emerald Tablet translates itself before our gaze!
We begin to grasp the beautiful reality of Regeneration - of matter, of energy, even of mind and consciousness - and through this, we begin to walk the Path of Reintegration. It is a Universal Path, for the entire Universe travels upon it.
Opening our eyes from deep sleep, we firstly see Darkness, made visible ... the Veil and the Abyss into which the Light and Life of Creation has exploded.
Then we see the Canopy of Blazing Stars, of Planets, of Suns and Moons, with which we share our existential substance, both material and spiritual.
Then we see Dawn arising, breaking through the shadows of space, time, and form.
And we finally recognise that this Dawn rises within us.
Ad perpetranda miracula rei Unius.
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