

We offer a full Curriculum of Masonic, Hermetic and Esoteric Study

for each Degree of the Rite of Memphis-Misraïm...


Every EMO UK Degree has a unique collection of private and unpublished Masonic, Esoteric and Hermetic Lectures & Video Lessons, offering guidance on Alchemy, Higher Masonry, Qabalah, Higher Psychism, Theurgy, and a variety of related topics.


Preparatory Alchemical exercises (Internal and External) are given from the 4th Degree onwards, aligned to the Theurgical Regimen, the Secret Activations (Points Chauds), and the Degree Symbolism, stimulating Preparatory, Lunar, Mercurial and Solar evolution. 


A Handbook is made available to our Initiates for each EMO UK Degree, starting from the 1st, containing details on Masonic ritual and catechism, sacred words, areas of required study, contemplative exercises, and commentary on Egyptian Masonic Symbolism.


Every EMO UK Degree from the 4th requires the personal practice of a different Theurgical Rite - these are transmitted to our Initiates for  private use in their personal  sanctuaries. They are ordered according to the secret traditions and regimens of the Rite of Memphis-Misraïm.

Our Study Path

Study Path of the Memphis-Misraïm Degrees

Symbolic Masonry: 1st-3rd Degree

Study in the Three Symbolic Degrees is designed to provide our Members with a secure grounding in the history, symbolism and practice of Freemasonry in general, and the Egyptian Rite in particular. All Initiates must demonstrate competence in their current Degree before advancing to the next. They will be tested on their written work, which will be assessed by the Senior Officers, and then read by the Initiate in open Lodge, after which they may take questions.

The 1st Degree concerns the essential layout, geometry, symbolism, furnishings and tools of the Egyptian Lodge, and the roles of the Lodge Officers.

The 2nd Degree concerns the hidden mysteries of Nature and Science, and the confident exploration of Masonic Symbolism.

The 3rd Degree concerns the Inner Workings of the Lodge, the significance of being a Master Mason, and the establishment of a sound working knowledge of the Craft.

Learn about our Symbolic Rites here.

Philosophical Masonry: 4th-33rd Degree

Study in the Philosophical Degrees is designed to train our Initiates to become Masonic Adepts, through the study of Higher Masonry, Theurgy, Alchemy and the Hermetic Sciences. We also sanction special Research Lodges into different areas of esotericism.

The College Degrees from the 4th to the 14th concern the ethics and morality of Masonry, and the awakening of the Sphere (Aura), and the subtle or psychical senses.

The R+C Degrees from the 15th to the 18th concern the knowledge of the Mystery Traditions, and the awakening of the  Heart, and joy, ethics and compassion.

The Hermetic Senate Degrees from the 19th to the 29th concern the practical study of Alchemy and Theurgy, and the strengthening of the Will, and mental force.

The Supreme Council Degrees from the 30th to the 33rd concern the transmission of higher qabalistic and alchemical teachings, and the awakening of the Soul, and the spiritual senses.

Learn about our Sanctuary Rites here.

Hermetic Masonry: 34th-86th Degree

Study in the Hermetic Degrees involves more independent academic research, advanced practices of Alchemy and Theurgy, and embarking upon several spiritual pilgrimages.

The Lower Degrees from the 34th to the 43rd concern the duties of a Masonic Knight.

The Median and Higher Degrees from the 44th to the 66th concern the duties of a Masonic Priest.

The Superior Degrees from the 67th to the 86th concern the duties of a Masonic Sage.

Arcana Arcanorum: 87th-90th Degree

The last four Degrees from the 87th to the 90th are called collectively the Arcana Arcanorum. They represent the Magnus Ritus of Theurgy, the Magisterium Illuminatum of Pansophy, and the Magnum Opus of Alchemy, to which all Egyptian Masons aspire, and must eventually complete.

Alchemy & Masonry


One of the major practices of the Western Traditions is the Science and Art of ALCHEMY.

It is a magnificent and multilayered product of the finest minds of the Ancient, Antique, Medieval and Renaissance periods, encompassing spirituality, cosmology, mathematics, metaphysics, philosophy and proto-science.

Its Mysteries are profound, potent and manifold, encompassing more than the purely material levels explored by Physics, Biology and Chemistry. Alchemy is the heroic, some would say vainglorious, attempt to combine and unify BODY, SOUL and SPIRIT into something greater than the sum of the parts. It is the attempt to bring about the Apotheosis of Nature, to unite Religion, Mysticism and Science, and to bring about the Restoration of the Fallen.

The Higher Degrees of Masonry have always taught Initiates the Art and Science of Alchemy; first in its general aspects, and then specific practical regimens. Alchemy is not only a psycho-spiritual practice, or a Western form of pranayama; nor is it merely an exotic and embryonic form of chemical and botanical laboratory work. True Alchemy is metaphysical -  it embraces aspects from all of the above, its metachemical processes applicable to both Internal Forces and External Forms.

Alchemy is supported by the complementary practices of Theurgy and Astrology, forming a perfect triad - the Trivium Hermeticum.

The Egyptian Masonic Order not only teaches morality and philosophy, but also mysticism, esoteric wisdom and spirituality. As we are a universal Order, in our Higher Degrees the study, contemplation and practice of Alchemy is actively encouraged, for it contains the Keys of our Philosophy, concealed beneath the intellectual dazzle of Symbol, Sign, Analogy and Allegory.


- Grand Master & National Hierophant 96˚

The Western Mysteries


Where Humanity and the Universe meet, there is MYSTERY.

Behind Mathematics is the Mystery of NUMBER.

Behind Geometry is the Mystery of FORM.

Behind Music is the Mystery of HARMONY.

Behind Science and Art is the Mystery of SPIRIT.

Behind Humanity is the ARCANA ARCANORUM.

There is a most beautiful LIGHT that shines from the Human Spirit.

It manifests as intellect, humour, artistry, compassion and grace. It manifests as Genius.

It is not the singular preserve of one gender, one ethnicity, one nation or one culture.

It shines in ALL. It is from, and for, ALL.

It is the task of Justice, Comity and Equity to ensure that ALL have the necessary conditions of life, education, resource and support to bring forth this beautiful LIGHT from within.

For the nature of this LIGHT is such, that it reveals its uniqueness through the lantern glass of INDIVIDUALITY.

It is the hope of the Individual. The hope of the Collective.

The hope of Nature. The hope of the world.

Let your LIGHT shine. Let shine the LIGHT of others.

Knowledge pretending to Wisdom is like a Child parading around in its Parent's Clothes.

Don't be deceived; Knowledge is a tool, but Wisdom is a living thing.

Knowledge may be acquired.

Wisdom grows.

May your Clothing be perfectly tailored.

May the Dew of Nephthys nourish you in perfect silence.

- Grand Master & National Hierophant 96˚

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