

A Most Mysterious Masonry: the Rites of Memphis-Misraïm

Memphis-Misraïm is a Masonic Rite which was formed by the merging of the two Rites of Memphis and Misraïm under the influence of General Garibaldi in 1881. They may be practised separately,  in tandem, or with one Rite taking precedence.

The Rite of Memphis

The Rite of Memphis was constituted by Jacques Etienne Marconis de Nègre in 1838, as a variant of the Rite of Misraïm, combining elements from Templarism and Chivalry with Egyptian and Alchemical mythology. It has 99 Degrees, the last four being administrative. It is the main initiatory Rite of our Order.

The Rite of Misraïm

From as early as 1738, one can find traces of this Rite filled with alchemical, occult and Egyptian references, with a structure of 90 Degrees. Influenced by the Neopolitan occult and alchemical tradition of the 18th century, the Baron Tschoudy, the Bedarride brothers, and Count Cagliostro, a key character of his time, each gave the Egyptian Rite the impulse necessary for its development.  Misraïm may also be spelled Mizraim.

The Traditional Egyptian Rite

The works of Cagliostro, Baron Tschoudy, Raimondo di Sangro, and Bedarride have left us many workable elements of the Traditional Egyptian Rite. St. Martin, Pernety, Papus, Levi, Reuss, Burt, Castelli, Yarker, Bertiaux, Ambelain, Kloppel, and other esoteric scholars and Egyptian Masters have subsequently influenced and developed the Egyptian Rites all over the world, including the Ancient and Primitive Rite of Memphis-Misraïm. Our Rite preserves the Ritual Wisdom of the past masters, yet remains a living and innovative Mystery Tradition.



Esoteric Masonry concerns itself with the construction of the Interior Temple of Hermes, Seth and Solomon, the mastery of esoteric subjects, the development of human potential, and the application of the Masonic Tools on three levels: Moral, Philosophical, and Spiritual.

The term "ESOTERIC" is synonymous with the terms "HERMETIC" and "OCCULT", and the original Neopolitan sense of the terms "ORIENTAL" and "EGYPTIAN". Its literal meaning refers to something not immediately apparent; something arcane, obscure, or mysterious; something intended for, or understood by, a minority of people with a specialized knowledge or interest. These people we term "THE ELECT", for they have reached a significant level of comprehension.

We may also consider Esoteric Masonry according to the traditional dimensions in space:


The Rites of Memphis-Mizraim extend to 99 Degrees, the last four being administrative. Although all Master Masons of the 3rd Degree are considered equal, and the Sanctuary Degrees constitute a separate body, there are many esoteric applications of our Masonic Symbolism - as well as associated subjects such as Theurgy, Alchemy, Hermetic Science, Qabalah and Sacred Geometry - to master beyond the first Three Degrees of the 'Craft'. Higher Degrees are therefore deemed necessary.


Our Rites cover the traditional corpus of Masonic study, as well as the aforementioned esoteric subjects, such as Alchemy and Mysticism, which have influenced and informed the symbolic, philosophical and mystical structure of the Masonic Rites from the earliest time of their constitution.


The Rites of Memphis-Mizraim seek not only to make good people better, to forge fraternal and sororal bonds, and to raise the Interior Temple, but also to elevate the consciousness and capacities of the Initiate beyond the confines of mere physicality and materialism, to a Higher Life and a more subtle state of existence. We seek to assist our Initiates to comprehend and to access the infinite potential of the Human Mind, Soul and Spirit.


We expect our Initiates in the Higher Degrees to commence a profound and in-depth study of Freemasonry, Masonic History and Symbolism, and all related subjects, alongside their dedicated practice of Masonry and Masonic Values, at home, and in the Lodge; this expectation increases in the Higher Degrees, which are granted according to merit.


EMO UK is a Liberal Masonic Order which encourages excellence in study, practice, comprehension, exposition, and production of lectures and good works. As a UK Order, we work our rituals in the English language as our lingua franca. We also expect graceful conduct, geniality, and good-will.



"The Ritus Antiquus Aegypti, or the ANCIENT RITE OF EGYPT, is another name given to the Rites of Memphis and Misraïm, as a continuation of the ancient practical philosophy of the Priests of the Nile. Those Great Builders, our Elder Brethren, applied the Square, the Compasses, the Level and the Plumb in the creation of the Pyramids. They continued through the medieval era, raising the great Cathedrals of Europe. Even now the Mysteries remain in the hearts of every Mason - both operative and speculative, or Free - to raise a superior structure, housing all that is great and good.

"From the Circle came the British Henges, Tumuli, Fogous and Circles of stone.

From the Square and the Triangle came the Pyramids of Egypt and Mesoamerica.

From the Oblong and the Cube came the Temples of Greece and Rome.

From the Cross came the Abbeys and Cathedrals of all Europe.

"Let us always remember that all Masonry is both external and internal; material, moral and spiritual; not only of the two basic substances of metal and stone, but of Three, Four, Five, Seven, Nine, Ten and Twelve!

"The material splendours of architectural genius are glorious indeed; nonetheless, they are but pale reflections of the Eternal Splendour of the G.'.L.'.A.'., that Divine House in which there are many Mansions.  Such a House is that which is not made with hands, but by the Labours of the Heart, the Tools of the Spirit, and the Architecture of the Divine Mind. Every Living Soul becomes a Stone, a Finial, a Joint, an Architrave and a Jewel therein.

"For through our Inward Masonic Labour, we make of ourselves a Perfect Ashlar, fit for the use of the Eternal Builder, the G.'.A.'.O.'.T.'.U.'.!"

- Grand Master & National Hierophant 96˚


The Square

The Square is the first part of our Masonic Symbol. It is used to create and to prove angles of 90 degrees, and it can be in the form of a half-square, or one half of a 3:4 rectangle. To become a Mason of Egypt, you must commit to 'fair and square' actions, and live your life according to the principles of justice and equity.

Earth & Matter

The Square symbolises the Earth and Matter, and therefore the Material Plane. Matter is the realm of incarnation, of limitation, labour, struggle and consequence. To become a Mason of Egypt, you must study the Hidden Mysteries of Nature and Science, to learn about the  mysterious laws which are in operation all around us.

The Compasses

The Compasses are the second part of our Masonic Symbol. They are used to draw perfect circles and curves of variable radius and diameter. To become a Mason of Egypt, you must develop healthy boundaries, remain accountable for your actions, and maintain right relations with all living beings.

Heaven & Spirit

The Compasses symbolise the Heavens and Spirit, and therefore the Spiritual Plane. Spirit is the realm of ideals, creativity, inspiration, and subtle forces. To become a Mason of Egypt, you must contemplate the spiritual nature of your own existence, and learn to master the Body, Soul and Spirit of which you are composed.

The Rule

The Rule, or 24-Inch Gauge, is the third part of our Masonic Symbol, sometimes placed horizontally across the Square and Compasses. It is used for simple measurement, and to add precision to our works. To become a Mason of Egypt, you must measure the actions of your life in strict and even measure, avoiding both excess and deficiency.

Light & Consciousness

The Rule symbolises the application of Will and Intellect, and therefore the power and extension of Consciousness. Consciousness is more than awareness or lucidity; it is a vital essence. To become a Mason of Egypt, you must learn the infinite and eternal nature of Human Consciousness, and to expand your own continuous connection to the Universal Mind.

The Masonic Seal

The Masonic Seal is a combination of the Square and Compasses (and sometimes the Rule), surrounded by a Circle. In the centre is the Letter G. It is the grand and ancient sign of all Masonic Rites and Obediences. To become a Mason of Egypt, you must learn to walk the Middle Path of Equilibrium between Heaven and Earth, find the Sacred Centre within, and realise your spiritual origin.

The EMO UK Seal

The Grand Seal of the EMO UK is a form of the Masonic Seal, which includes the image of the Foundation Stone of Matter, the Three Colours of the Alchemical Opus, and the Five Holy Letters which form the Divine Name. To become a Mason of our Order, you must apply to join, become a Probationer, enter the Portal of the Mysteries, and commit yourself to the completion of the Great Work.

There is so much more to learn and discover through the EMO UK...

The vast amount of detail that we share with you on this website is just scratching the surface of the Egyptian Masonic Mysteries. There is so much more to learn, share and discover when you become an initiated member of the EMO UK, and become a Brother, Sister, or Fellow among us. 

The Lesser, Greater and Supreme Mysteries of the Egyptian Masonic Rites are a vast repository of ancient secrets, hidden techniques, and perennial wisdom; a wellspring of the esotericism of the Western Mystery Tradition. If you would receive the Living Tradition, join us!

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