The Lesser Mysteries introduce the Higher Degrees of Egyptian Masonry, Hermetics, Qabalah, Therapeutic Astrology, Alchemical Study, Esoteric Symbolism, Higher Psychism, Preparatory Theurgy, and a variety of related topics. The Master Mason passes from the symbolic to the philosophical works of perfection.
These final EMO Degrees involve a certain series of 'Quarantines' or hermetic seclusion, and a strict Regimen of Supernal Works both Alchemical and Theurgical, similar to that of the Abramelin Rite or the higher Degrees of the Elus Coens, but Graeco-Egyptian in nature. It is the crown of the system.
The Symbolic Rite introduces the profane Candidate into the sacred precincts of Egyptian Masonry, in the traditional manner, through Three Degrees which symbolise the three aspects of human existence. The essentials of Esoteric Masonry are taught to our Initiates.
These EMO Degrees require high chivalric tasks, sacred pilgrimages, consecrations, and esoteric researches to be performed by the Initiates, as well as subjects for advanced personal study, and practical Works of Pansophy, Alchemy and High Theurgy.
As a universal Order, we are chartered to work the Three Craft Degrees of the Symbolic Lodge of Egypt. We work the Memphis Symbolic Rite and the Misraïm Symbolic Rite, but we are also able to work in a variety of Symbolic Rites such as the Ambelain Rite, Scottish Symbolic Rite, West End Rite, etc.. but the esoteric structure of the Lodge is always Graeco-Egyptian. Study is through Order Handbooks, Lectures and online tutorials, but active Lodge work and participation is expected, to equip the Initiate to become a better Egyptian Mason, and a better person. This is Blue Lodge Masonry, or Alchemical Work in the Brown.
The FIRST DEGREE: Once an Applicant is accepted for Membership, they must endure the initiation of the First Degree and become an Entered Apprentice (E.'.A.'.). Apprentice Masons learn the essential layout, geometry, symbolism and tools of the Lodge, training under the care of the Junior Warden.
The SECOND DEGREE: The Second Degree to which they are passed is that of Companion, or Fellowcraft (F.'.C.'.), where more inward instruction is given on the hidden mysteries of Nature and Science. Companion Masons assume greater knowledge and responsibility in the Lodge, working under the guidance of the Senior Warden.
The THIRD DEGREE: Then, having earned their 'increase in wages', the Companion is then raised to the Sublime Third Degree of Master Mason (M.'.M.'.), where the Inner Workings of the Lodge are revealed. Master Masons gain a complete working knowledge of the Craft, a position of honour and equity in the Lodge, and may assume any Lodge Office, under the rule of the Worshipful Master.
Once the Third Degree of M.'.M.'. is reached, Members may receive an invitation into any of our other Appendant Bodies active under the Grand Sanctuary of the Holy Isles, working in both Traditional and Esoteric Rites. Inner Orders remain invitation only.
Learn about our Symbolic Rites here.
The Masonic High Degrees from the 4th to the 33rd in our Order are Philosophical. They constitute the Lesser Mysteries, similar in liturgical structure to the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite but with a richer esoteric and alchemical content. They teach the philosophical and historical aspects of the Egyptian Masonic tradition, as well as other more esoteric, kemetic, hellenistic, hermetic, astrological, qabalistic and alchemical teachings conveyed in Lectures and our special Research Lodges.
These High Degrees are taught in the College of Perfection 4-14, R+C Chapter 15-18, Hermetic Senate 19-29, and Supreme Council 30-33 of our Order. Through these Degrees, the Master Mason perfects themselves and corrects their relationship to the greater world around them. This is Red Lodge Masonry, or Alchemical Work in the Black.
Learn about our Sanctuary Rites here.
The Hermetic Masonry Degrees from the 34th to the 86th are taught in the Sublime Consistory. They constitute the Greater Mysteries of Masonry, Nature, Science and Divinity, exploring every aspect of the Inner Traditions including the comprehensive study of Hermeticism, Gnosticism, Theurgy, Hekau, Qabalah, Alchemy, Pansophy and Esoteric Astrology. Both Internal and External Alchemy are practised alongside the Traditional Egyptian Rite.
These Hermetic Degrees encompass Green Lodge Masonry from 34-66 and White Lodge Masonry from 67-86, or Alchemical Work in the White (34-66) and the Citrinitas (67-86).
The last four Degrees from the 87th to the 90th are called collectively the Arcana Arcanorum. They are Gnostic, Graeco-Egyptian and Kemetic in nature. Through these Supernal Degrees, the Initiate begins to gain an inward sense of their True Nature, the Restoration to a Perfected State. This is Black Lodge Masonry, or Alchemical Work in the Red.
The remaining Memphis-Misraïm Degrees from the 91st upwards are administrative. This is Gold Lodge Masonry, or the Alchemical Attainment of the Chrysoprase.
These are the essential Key Degrees of the Ancient and Primitive Rites of Memphis-Misraïm which are mandatory, and are conveyed within our Grand Lodge and Sovereign Sanctuary:
The 1st Degree (Apprentice Mason)
The 2nd Degree (Companion Mason, or Fellowcraft)
The 3rd Degree (Master Mason)
The 4th Degree (Secret Master)
The 5th Degree (Perfect Master)
The 6th Degree (Intimate Secretary) & Mark Master
The 7th Degree (Provost and Judge)
The 9th Degree (Master Elect of Nine)
The 12th Degree (Grand Master Architect)
The 13th Degree (Knight Royal Arch)
The 14th Degree (Grand Elect of the Sacred Vault)
The 15th Degree (Knight of the East, or of the Sword)
The 18th Degree (Knight of the Rose-Croix)
The 19th Degree (Knight of the Red Eagle)
The 20th Degree (Knight of the Temple)
The 25th Degree (Knight of the Brazen Serpent)
The 28th Degree (Knight of the Sun)
The 29th Degree (Knight Hermetic Philosopher/Knight St. Andrew)
The 30th Degree (Knight Kadosh)
The 31st Degree (Grand Inspector Inquisitor Commander)
The 32nd Degree (Prince of the Royal Secret)
The 33rd Degree (Sovereign Grand Inspector General)
[The KNIGHT Degrees:]
The 34th Degree (Knight of Scandinavia)
The 35th Degree (Knight of Sirius)
The 43rd Degree (Sublime Hermetic Sage)
[The MEDIAN Degrees:]
The 49th Degree (Sublime Sage of the Pyramids)
The 55th Degree (Sublime Orphic Doctor)
[The HIGHER Degrees:]
The 62nd Degree (Sublime Sage of Eleusis)
The 64th Degree (Sage of Mythras)
The 66th Degree (Patriarch Grand Consecrator) is conferred only to certain Initiates who may be called upon by the Sanctuary to act as Consecrator; a certain spiritual preparation is required.
[The Council of SAGES:]
The 67th Degree (Grand Eulogist)
The 70th Degree (Prince of Light)
The 72nd Degree (Sage of Wisdom)
The 76th Degree (Interpreter of Hieroglyphs)
The 81st Degree (Matriarch/Patriarch of Memphis)
The 87th, 88th, 89th and 90th Degrees comprise what is referred to as the Arcana Arcanorum, which is the crown of the system.
The 91st, 92nd, 93rd, 94th & 95th Administrative Degrees, constituted as a series of Executive Bodies, Guilds and Councils. Other Rites such as the Rite of Memphis, Rite of Mizraim, APR, AASR, RSR, Adonhiramite Rite, Hermetic Rite, etc. practised within the EMO UK are equated by Degree with the main Rite, although Initiates must show an equivalent mastery of our subjects.
The Intermediate Degrees may be worked in full ritual by any Lodge optionally if there is time, but they are usually workshopped and studied. Progression to the next Degree is assessed through written submissions, energetic assessment, viva voce and group discussion with Initiates.
The 18th, 33rd, 43rd, 66th, 90th and 95th Degrees may be conferred on Senior Egyptian Masons by the Grand Master General, in recompense for their excellence, valour, loyalty to our Order, and defence of our Masonic Rites. These Degrees qualify them to sit on the Council of Sages.
We are committed to working these Key Degrees of the Ancient and Primitive Rites of Memphis-Misraïm, and of the Traditional Egyptian Rite, faithfully and in sequence, bringing our Initiates upwards through labour and merit.
- Grand Master & National Hierophant 96˚
As many of you will know, when the language of Occultism speaks of CURRENT, it is in reference to a particular set of Principles and Processes which come underneath this heading. All things come from the ONE SOURCE, rushing out in an endless multitude of RAYS. Each RAY is unique and magnetic to all things bearing its own similitude. According to the Law of Sympathy and the Law of Similitude, clusters of Symbolic Association tend to magnetise together under the Magnetic Influence of this Ray, on all Planes and by all manners, effects and consequences.
Therefore, a SYMBOLIC ASSOCIATION is governed by a particular Ray, usually categorised allegorically and symbolically by an Element, Planet, Sign, Seal, Sigil, or other definitive correspondence. The assemblage of forces and dynamics within such an Association tend to formulate a form or species of Collective Intelligence, or ETHEREAL IDENTITY if you will, which is the Astral Body of the Current, usually depicted as an Angel, a Deity, a Tutelary Guardian, or a Fabulous Creature. It also manifests in a Malkuthic or Material earthly form, outwardly and socially expressed as a Culture, a Tradition, a Religion, a Philosophy, an Art, a Science, and all of the examples derived therefrom.
This external Form, in combination with the internal and ethereal Force, synthesises into a Living Being and creates what we term the EGREGORE. This Egregore is the Power of the Association.
The perfection of this is called an ORDER; an Order such as ours.
This is the traditional, ontological and philosophical Hermetic model, which informs our type of Esoteric Masonry. Similar (though not identical) models exist in the mysticism of Neo-Platonism, Qabalah, Gnosticism, Pansophy, and Rosicrucianism, each of which have exerted considerable influence on the symbolism of Masonry. Other models, such as those deriving from the works of Jung, may use other terminology based on a more existential and psychological framework. There are also Theosophical, Druidic, Nordic, Slavic, Persian, North and Meso-American, Indian, Chinese, African and Graeco-Egyptian models as well.
Our Egyptian Masonic Current may be understood as a continuation of the Symbolic Associations of Ancient Egyptian and Graeco-Egyptian Culture, and also as a specifically Egyptian manifestation of Freemasonry.
In addition to this, being a Sovereign and Universal Order containing many other Currents, we also support and perpetuate the other ontological models as well, through our Higher Degrees, Allied Degrees, Secret Rites, and Inner Orders.
- Grand Master & National Hierophant 96˚
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