Our Officers and Initiated Members kindly share with us their experiences of joining, working and building with the Egyptian Masonic Order UK
"I had come to a point in my life where "something else" was needed. Interested in both Masonry and the Esoteric I decided to try one more time to find an Order that felt right. I found the Egyptian Masonic Order UK and my questions were answered. I felt honoured to even be considered and once offered a place in the Order I took it. The whole experience of becoming an Egyptian Mason is too much to describe here, although what I can say is that I have found it transformative and enlightening.
"We are encouraged to grow, encouraged to learn and share knowledge and also encouraged to embrace all that being a Mason entails. Our Order is very Esoteric, very friendly and very worthwhile checking out if you are seeking this Path towards the Light.
"Over the last few years my life has been enhanced in so many ways by being a Member; my life has and still is changing for the better. I am a very grateful Egyptian Mason and if we tick your boxes, I hope to see you soon. Selume proferre! T.'.F.'.E.'.!"
"Being a member of the EMO UK Lodge, as a woman, I’ve found the qualities of friendship, inspiration, and empowerment very beneficial.
"Friendship and being part of a fraternity-sorority is important nowadays, as we can often feel isolated and lonely. Taking part in the Lodge, I feel totally supported by all its sincere and trustworthy Members; it's like having a second family.
"EMO UK has inspired me to become the best version of myself possible and it has empowered me by increased self-confidence and belief in my abilities.
"EMO UK is based on tolerance and equality, admitting men and women equally, no matter what their background. This creates a balanced bond within the Lodge which harmonically helps us to connect with who we really are, and deepen our awareness and understanding of life aspects, as well as our personal spiritual growth."
"It is important to me that Freemasonry is a welcoming and inclusive experience. I was delighted to learn about Universal Freemasonry, which welcomes women as equals. Yet there was something missing! I am not aware of any other Masonic Obedience, or Lodge, other than the EMO UK, that openly states it welcomes people of all genders and sexual orientation.
"The EMO UK embraces diversity, which is immediately reflected in the Membership of our Order. We each bring a unique perspective to the Work and this diversity makes us stronger. From the very first meeting, a strong bond formed among us, and the energy raised brings about great joy that stays with each of us.
"Personally, I am fascinated with the more esoteric aspects of Masonic studies, which Memphis-Mizraim embraces. The Order's study materials are extensive, and geared to taking the prospective Freemason through the Craft Degrees, and onwards."
"I joined EMO UK as a Master Mason, for I have always been fascinated by the Egyptian Rites and wanted to develop my interest in esotericism further. But I found way more than that.
"To use an analogy, sometimes Freemasonry risks becoming like a Toolbox whose Keys have been lost. If you are part of a tradition you may happen to carry the box, but you only get glimpses of what is inside and how to use it.
"In this Order, you find yourself on a journey to put that toolbox to good use, in a structured and healthy way. Equally importantly, its Members all have talent and knowledge, but are also humble, respectful, and grounded.
"EMO UK has a lightweight but solid structure, where your companions row alongside you, and where value is not only stated, but you can see it, feel it, and touch it. I pride myself on being a Founding Member. At the time it was gut feeling, but now I know that I could not have made a better choice.
"I appeal to my Brothers and Sisters who seriously believe in the transformative power of Esoteric Freemasonry: the Egyptian tradition, the Conservatory of the Mysteries, is
alive, and in the EMO UK they can find the Tools to irradiate it. The world is in need of it.
"I have spoken."
“To find the EMO UK has been like discovering both the Pyramid and the Oasis after years of wandering the desert.
"As a Mason with over 14 years of experience and membership in multiple Orders across Europe, I can confidently say that I have never encountered anything like the Egyptian Masonic Order UK.
"Two aspects stand out among an incredible spectrum of excellence: the total congruence in the wisdom, knowledge, words, behavior, practice, and ritualism of the Grand Master and Grand Council; and an exceptionally complete structure and study path for each Degree, guiding seekers as deeply into the Mysteries as they are willing to go.
"My life has changed profoundly, as this Order has allowed me to bridge the philosophical and intellectual work of a Mason with the real, transformative practices of the Mysteries, impacting all planes of my existence.
"The Order is truly an Oasis of Divine Communion, embodying inclusion, respect, compassion, and joy—everlasting reflections of the Supreme Architect of the Worlds.
"I look forward to welcoming more Masons of Egypt into the EMO UK and the timeless Mysteries it conveys.”
“I have been a Freemason for over 25 years and had spent most of that time feeling that I was alone. Very few people wanted to explore the esoteric nature of our rituals and truths that they contain. In 2022 I became aware of the Egyptian Masonic Order UK (EMO UK) and followed their social media and visited the website . . . I was intrigued, but cautious!
"The messages I sent to the Grand Secretary were answered professionally and with a warmth and care that helped calm some fears and then eventually I took a step into the unknown and accepted the opportunity to have an on-line meeting/interview/discussion with some of the senior Brethren; it was a revelation. The openness and willingness to discuss topics I had been interested in for years was welcome, but it was also evident that the Order was headed by individuals with a great deal of masonic and wider experience, and they were willing to share and help me in my development. I willingly accepted an invitation to attend a meeting of the Order and that is where the journey begins.
"The warmth, care and sheer fraternal love demonstrated by everyone I have met so far has been far greater than I could have imagined. I cannot begin to describe how it has deepened my appreciation of the Masonic system and helped me in my own journey towards light. The experience has been profound. It can be frightening to take the first step but do so. You will receive a warmth of welcome and truly start to experience the Masonic Light.”
“Before I joined EMO UK, I always thought that the esoteric and spiritual aspects of Freemasonry were an individual endeavour. By having a safe, diverse and inclusive environment, EMO UK proved me I was wrong. I found out a group of open-minded Brothers and Sisters with common goals and interests.
"Moreover, I found a wonderful community that has been guiding me through a step-by-step and hand-by-hand curriculum to start my studies of Esoteric Freemasonry.
"Then, if you are interested in exploring the esoteric and spiritual aspects of Freemasonry, EMO UK is the right place to start and continue your Masonic journey.”
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