It is a principle of the genuine Esoteric Mysteries that "the end is shown in the beginning".
Every true Mystery Tradition shows the general intention of its Mysteries in the very first Degree or Grade, so that the subconscious of the new Initiate is given a form of esoteric 'road map' for their forthcoming journey.
For this reason, the EMO UK made the decision to reveal on this public website which aspects of the Western Mystery Tradition - Inner and Appendant Orders, etc. - that we convey to our Membership. We want our Applicants to have a clear picture of our style and approach. However, we never discuss the structure, content, exposition or practices of our Order Mysteries publically, nor the origin and nature of our regimens, rituals, curriculum, transmissions, resources, Hierophany, Hierarchy, or Magistery. We use a legally-binding NDA to protect this information, as well as the identity of our Membership, and the locations of our Sanctuaries.
We still conceal far more than we reveal.
There is a very good reason for this.
Intellectually, one can study the documents and manuscripts of the esoteric tradition oneself; most of the exoteric and written content of the Mysteries is now freely available online or from museums, and has been translated into several languages. There is a new generation of independent esoteric scholars out there, providing new authorship and a solid academic spine to the
of the contemporary West. There are also official institutions providing degrees in the academic study of Western Esotericism. We salute their efforts.
Despite this new spirit of academic acceptance, independent practice and individual effort, there is still a need for the discipline, resource, collective power, and socio-mystical unity of Masonic and Esoteric Orders - there is still a need for the
Holy Secret.
Secrecy is not, and was never intended to be, about the concealment of primary sources or essential information. Nor is Silence about bigotry, elitism or exclusion, for any person of good report may join us.
Silence and Secrecy are about maintaining the psychic seal of the Egregore, preserving the Magical Circle or Sphere, and the protection of the Hermetic Vessel. They are about the protection of individual identities, and the unique intra ordem techniques, practices and tutorial of our EMO UK.
Thought - especially emotionalised thought - may be understood to operate in a manner akin to a virus, being able to infect and affect individuals and groups, and to be transmitted among them. This formative and influential power of Thought is a Key of the Mysteries, and its conception is fundamental to any understanding of esoteric practice. The horrors made possible through its corruption or misuse are readily seen in the tragic events of human history. In any healthy functioning Order, it is essential to keep the nature, flow, and current of Thought as pure, compassionate, healthy, spiritual and ennobling as possible. Holy Silence and Order Secrecy are essential for the preservation of the occult integrity of the Lodge and the Order.
We ward ourselves and our Homes. We guard our Brethren. We tyle our Lodges. We encircle our Sanctuaries.
Our Consistory and Pyramid are in the heights, inaccessible to the profane.
We meet in Secrecy, we listen in Silence, and we speak only when the Word is given. We work, and we pray.
This is the nature of our Mysteries.
To apply to join us, please go to The Portal
For all Enquiries, please contact the Grand Secretary:
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