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Subjects In Our Curriculum

Grand Master • 16 August 2024

Which Areas Do We Cover?

The EMO UK is one of the only Masonic Orders of the Egyptian Rite with a full study curriculum for our Members. From the very first Degree of Apprentice, up to the Thirty Third Degree and beyond, we supply an organised system of study covering all aspects of the Egyptian Rite, Esoteric Masonry, the Hermetic Sciences and more.

With every Degree attained, the Initiate is given a Handbook with all the essential knowledge of the Degree symbolism, important details about the rituals, and a variety of essential topics to enrich and expand their daily advancement in Masonic knowledge. This is supplemented by a series of Lectures for each Degree, covering many areas of esoteric study.

We focus on the following subjects: the Symbolic Rites of Memphis and Mizraïm; Lodge Officers & Furnishings; the Masonic Tools; Masonic Symbolism; Lodge Rules of Etiquette; Meditation & Inward Contemplation; Study Methods & Essay Writing; the Sacred Symbols of Masonry; Esoteric Symbolism; Hermetic Philosophy; Hermetic Science & Hermetic Qabalah; the Nature of Divinity; Morality & Ethics; Personal Development; Psychic Protection & Self-Defence; Scrying & Visionary Works; the Lower & Higher Forms of Psychism; Classical Astrology; Tarot & Geomancy; Sacred Geometry; Numerology; Angelic Hierarchies; Egyptian Lore & Egyptian Deities; Egyptian Conception of the Soul; Masonic Spiritism; General Occultism & Spirit Lore; the Astral Planes & Higher Dimensions; Practical Spagyrics & Plant Alchemy; Mineral Alchemy; Planetary Theurgy; Gnostic Lore; Mystery Cults; the Perennial Tradition; Masonic History, Administration & Justice; Spiritual Synthesis; Spiritual Masonry & Masonic Adepthood; Thaumaturgy & Natural Magic; Paranormality, Telluric Studies, Earth Mysteries & High Strangeness; the Macrocosm & Microcosm; the Higher Self; the Divine Genius, and much more beyond. Each of these subjects is covered in many of our EMO UK Lectures, Handbooks and supplementary studies, and further research is made possible through our extensive private library.

In the past, new Masons were only presented with a copy of the ritual, a small information pamphlet, and the by-laws of the Lodge. Beyond this, there was only a recommended reading list from a vast Masonic library of works both daunting and unnavigable; knowledgeable senior Masons often had little time to impart the guidance needed for the newer Brethren. In the EMO UK, we guide our Members step by step through our curriculum, providing a clear and supportable progression for study, research, practice and inner contemplation. Our Curriculum is well-researched, contemporary, accessible, diverse, and constantly enriched with the latest new discoveries in all related fields of study.

Access is granted to our Members with each new Degree, and we hold monthly online tutorials to offer support, as well as a private chat facility where all questions can be answered rapidly. As they progress, our Members may specialise in any given area if they so choose, confident that the essential general knowledge of the Mysteries will always be made available to them as they ascend the Ladder of Lights.

Join us on our journey, as we climb high, and travel light.

To apply to join us, please go to The Portal

For all Enquiries, please contact the Grand Secretary:

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