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Love is the Soul of Genius

Grand Master • 17 January 2025

Our Love of Masonry

"Neither a lofty degree of intelligence nor imagination nor both together go to the making of genius. Love, love, love, that is the soul of genius."

The words of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart echo through the centuries to our ears, singing even over his musical genius, to speak Truth to us. There is no greater motivation than Love; no greater Teacher, no greater Protector, no greater Initiator.

The world throughout its history has been in constant crisis, which might change form and appearance, but never changes its pattern. Natural accidents and mortal weaknesses aside, the crises of life are invariably caused by human envy, aggresion, fear and weakness. We must learn to grow wiser in our assessments of the conditions of our lives - have we not seen the hijacking of meaning in words and phrases? Have we not seen the insidious attempts to blame the victim, or render the wrong person culpable for crimes which have also been committted by those around them? Have we not seen enough exploitation, division, cruelty and callousness?

The solution has always been the same, and it is the same today. Love.

We have grown cynical, tired and suspicious of Love, without even knowing its power. We have relegated Love to the scrapheap of cultural detritus, along with the belief in Fairies and Dragons. We think - we are too urbane and too enlightened to believe in Love. We parody Love, and throw the term around like a ball at the park. We convince ourselves that it doesn't exist; that it is a
  chimaera  composed of lust, dependency, familiarity and the animal instincts to nest, breed, brood, or feed. We clip the wings of Eros and throw Him into the River Phlegethon.

When we do this, only the Demons of narcissism and sociopathy win. They laugh from their poisonous mouths at our stupidity, as we sabotage our own route of escape. However, we issue a warning to those Demons - we use the term "gaslighting" to describe the frequently-used tool of the narcissitic, the machiavellian, and others of a callous disposition. The term comes from the 1944 film Gaslight with the wonderful Ingrid Bergman, Joseph Cotten and Charles Boyer - let us remember how the film ended!

Whatsoever is dealt out, MAAT will deal back. Your belief in this Truth is not required.

Love is
 very real, and is the touchstone of the Real. It is only because of our own tendencies towards mistrust, defensiveness and cynicism - and the childhood and relationship traumas which exacerbate these tendencies - that Love only becomes visible to us through extraordinary acts of Self-Sacrifice, Patience, Compassionate Action, or Forgiveness. And, of course, Genius. Love can make good people better. It can supply us with an almost supernatural energy, enthusiasm and inspiration. Love can forgive our human failings and imperfections - a debt which can only be paid back by our remorse and self-improvement.

To be weak is forgiveable. To stay weak is a poor choice. To cause or exploit weakness in another is evil. Love exposes evil to us, because evil is the absence of Love.  Evil happens in the world, and in our lives; let us use Love to conquer its effects and heal our wounds. Love of self, love of Nature, love of Equity and Justice, love of those who help and support us, love of the opportunities we have each day to get better, and do better.

In the EMO UK,
 we do what we do for Love. Love of the +GAOTU+. Love of the Craft. Love of the Egyptian Rite. Love of our Brothers, Fellows and Sisters. Love of the Spiritual. Love of Humanity, and of the Human Soul. Every other Benefit must flow forth from that Love, as must every decision, action and inaction. It is our Offering of LOVE that is demanded from the +Most High+, not hecatombs of animal sacrifices; only Love, and its beneficent products. Nothing more.

Start your days quietly, with the inner warmth of Love. Seek kindness, goodness, fairness and peace in your daily life.

Things will improve.


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