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A Return On Investment

Grand Master • 5 November 2023

Get Out What You Put In

The Egyptian Masonic Order UK is comprised of Masters, Officers, Members and Candidates, each operating in their own modes and manners to perpetuate and support the Works of the Order, its Sanctuaries and Lodges. What we must always remember, obvious as it may appear, is that these are PEOPLE; individual bodies, minds and souls. Without people, no Order can exist, and no Masonic Work can be properly accomplished. It requires a group effort. It requires a collective investment, of time, attention, money and labour, without which neither an individual, nor the Order in general, may expect a return on investment.

Maintaining a healthy Order is a complex task. The following types of people make it harder:

There are the 'status-conscious' people who are attracted to the glamour of Egyptian Masonry and its High Degrees and, having an exaggerated sense of entitlement, expect to receive these Honours on request - all of which are representative of Internal States which must be attained for the Degree to have any significance whatsoever - and yet will neither demonstrate their readiness for the accolade, nor a willingness to bear the responsibilities which come with the Degree, nor even to provide assistance with the Works of the Order which honours them.
It is a Vice of Fire.

There are people who hop from Order to Order, gathering Degrees and Titles, who consider themselves esoteric 'collectors'; they will often present the initiatic knowledge and training they have gained, through the kind sacrifice of an Order and its Tutors, as if it was their own Genius alone which assisted them. They give back to Humanity vicariously, if at all, but their chalice is full of poison. Gossip, trouble, division, political extremism, anti-institutional narratives, cult of personality, populism, and ugly rumour often accompany such persons, and sometimes they are the source.
It is a Vice of Air.

There are the passive characters, esoteric 'audience members' who are not necessarily bad in themselves, but because of their passivity and lack of accountability, become the enablers of those less moral or trustworthy, sometimes even defending the indefensible because of a tendency towards moral and social avoidance. They appear to walk in a form of moral and esoteric slumber.
It is a Vice of Earth.

There are the 'non-committal' people who believe that an Order runs itself; they conveniently forget the importance of paying their Dues on time - an Order is a service provider like any other - rarely showing loyalty and respect to their Fellows, seldom giving reasonable assistance to the Lodge and its Officers, and not even showing up to Meetings and Lessons with regularity.
It is a Vice of Water.

And of course, there are the common or garden 'trouble makers' - the narcissists, the attention seekers, the bullies, the envious, the hyper-competitive, the elitists and bigots, the would-be sabateurs. When ignored and tolerated, they set fire to the Temple like Herostratus. When promoted, they destroy good works and right relations. When challenged on their aberrant behaviour, they reward Love with malice.
These are the Vicious Spirits, the Ruffians, and the Breakers of the Pillar.

These types of people are burning a bridge, whilst still standing upon it.

They must seek the organisations or situations which suit them better. There are many other viable options out there in the Masonic and esoteric world - independent study, academic collectives, informative websites, various courses and study degrees, smaller practice groups, religious institutions, published texts and workbooks, therapy, counselling, healing retreats, etc. - and perhaps these offer what such people need. They must identify whatever causes the gross imbalance in their Elemental Natures, and find a way to heal and correct it
before it harms others.

The collective Works of an Esoteric and Masonic Order are not suited to them.

The glorious rewards of Egyptian Masonry are many, and splendid, but the whole point of an Order is to work towards them as a Fraternity and Sorority;
a human collective.

Egyptian Masonry provides a traditional and perennial framework, not only for gaining mastery over the various aspects of the human experience, and making a systematic study of all aspects of the Western Mystery Tradition, but also a Path towards Spiritual Illumination and Energetic Evolution. In the form of an Order and Lodge, it provides the welcome addition of mutual support and security.

Let every individual find what suits them best.
For those ready and suitable for the Order, step forward, and be welcome.

To apply to join us, please go to The Portal

For all Enquiries, please contact the Grand Secretary:

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