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Lodge, Temple and Sanctuary

Grand Master • 7 November 2022

Our Use of the Terms Lodge, Temple and Sanctuary

In the EMO UK, whose main tradition is the Ancient and Primitive Rite of Memphis-Mizraim, we use the Masonic terms LODGE, TEMPLE and SANCTUARY.

The LODGE is a popular and well-known word used in Freemasonry to describe the group of Masons who 'hold a Lodge'. In a sense, the term Lodge is the collective noun for a group of Masons. Over time, the term has come to be applied to the place or location in which a Masonic Lodge is held, but this can sometimes be a source of confusion. Therefore, we use terms such as HALL or TEMPLE to describe the meeting place of Masons, in which they hold their various Lodges.

In our tradition, the term TEMPLE is used in this way, as a description of the meeting place; it also carries a sacred and mystical significance too, for although our Mysteries are secular (as opposed to religious in the strictest sense), they are still considered holy, sacred and mystical, our Faith being Universal, our conception of Divinity being the GAOTU. Unlike other Orders, you may be of any personal religious belief to enter our Higher Degrees.

In common parlance, the terms 'Lodge' and 'Temple' are sometimes used interchangeably among Members when describing the room in which the Lodge Meeting is held, but the term LODGE is always the correct term for the 'body of the Lodge' which is both the company and the collective fraternal-sororal bond of Masons.

We use the term SANCTUARY in a very different manner. The SANCTUARY is the higher organisation of the Order which protects, administrates and conveys the Higher Degrees. It encompasses the Rite from the 4th Degree upwards, plus the Additional Rites, Appendant Orders and Inner Orders; in fact, all that exists beyond the limits of the Symbolic or 'Craft' Lodge of the first Three Degrees. The Grand Sanctuary of the EMO UK, in accordance with the structure of the Rites of Memphis, is arranged into Nine Mansions, of which the Symbolic Lodge is considered to be either the Tenth Mansion, or the Symbolic Porchway of the Sanctuary which lies above it.

The SANCTUARY is also a place of security, safety and protection for all Master Masons who are invited to enter therein, for the Lesser, Greater and Supreme Mysteries of Freemasonry may only be studied and practised in a condition of sanctity and privacy, by those ready for the necessary commitment. Invitation is only extended to those who, in their attendance of the Symbolic Lodge, have shown the appropriate diligence, enthusiasm, loyalty, obedience, respect, comprehension, and fraternal-sororal good-will towards their fellow Seekers. The labour of the Great Work is joyous, but it is exacting, and there must always be Harmony between the Members before it can be attempted.

Our EMO UK Grand Sanctuary is located in London UK, and maintains the Rites and Traditions of the EMO UK, which are explained for the public on the relevant sections of our website.

Ultimately, an Order is composed of its Members. It is the collective work of people. The tradition is perennial, but sometimes Orders rise and fall, or they only open their Portals of Entrance for certain seasons of time. There is much patience needed even for successful Candidates; if you are interested in joining us - once you have made your mind up and resolve to do so - do not delay.

Fugit irreparabile tempus.


To apply to join us, please go to The Portal

For all Enquiries, please contact the Grand Secretary:

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