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Don't Complain, Transform

Grand Master • 30 October 2022

If it feels wrong, it is wrong - make it right!

There has been a dramatic fall in Membership of many Esoteric Orders, including Freemasonry.

Younger people are joining, yet don't appear to be finding the guidance, support and illumination they need; they feel excluded or patronised, and certainly don't react well to gerontocratic demands for authoritarian respect from those who clearly think living longer is enough to earn it. Older Masons blame the fall off of Membership on social changes, on a lack of patience and attention-span in younger people, on economic pressures, and various other things which seem to point in every direction away from themselves.

Perhaps the answer lies somewhere between these two extremes.

There are problems which many of us have observed in some Orders - ego battles, divisive politics, power struggles, moribund lodge cultures, elitism, or worse - and many of us have been failed by the destructive results of these problems. Some conflict is
always possible, but without strong leadership, clear boundaries, self-awareness and consummate humility, many of these conflicts are blown out of all proportion.

Personality differences are natural, but they need to be managed, and caused to be mutually supportive rather than divisive. Harmony is paramount, and the worst influences within any Lodge are the 'crazy maker', the 'authoritarian' and the 'narcissist'.

Creating any successful group is a form of juggling, constant recentring and course correction. Nobody is perfect, but this doesn't mean we have an excuse not to improve our behaviour, our understanding, and our appreciation of the consequences of our behaviour to ourselves and others. Those who choose to avoid this personal responsibility, those who refuse to criticise themselves, will not accept even the kindest criticism from others, but are keen to dish corrections out unbidden - they do not belong in the company of Masons.

Many of our Members, including myself, have experienced great joy and fraternal support, but also bitter disappointment and disillusionment, with the conditions and behaviours we have found in those places we have formerly visited, or to which we once belonged. We could complain forever, and waste Precious Time fighting point-proving battles with those unwilling to see the point (many confuse this with 'fighting the good fight', but this is not necessarily the same thing).

But we decided to do something more constructive.

We decided not to complain, but to

First, to transform
ourselves - our expectations, our boundaries, our behaviour, our choices, our actions.

Secondly, to transform our direction. The EMO UK has been formed to be as harmonious as possible with the contemporary society in which we live, without compromising the sanctity and integrity of the Ancient Mysteries, which are formed from the collective spiritual experiences and philosophical revelations of Human Genius over millennia. It is people who form Lodges and Orders and sustain the Mysteries, in communion with the Divine.

A Lodge is, and should be, a perfect manifestation of people power.

And we are only people. We may fail, we may struggle.

But we are happy to know that we have chosen to ACT, for through wise action comes FAVOURABLE CHANGE.

In this, the Divine Powers may provide the support and abundance that formerly had been withheld, or gone unnoticed.

To the Young, we say never give in. Be true to your Soul's Path. The Elders may have been here longer, but they are not living your life, in your era, with your particular struggles. Wisdom is in every Heart, even if it slumbers. But be patient with the Elders, and the Tradition, even if they seem calcified. Pearls of Wisdom are created in no other way, and you will find them beautiful, carrying your own Reflection.

To the Elders, we say never give up. Share your Wisdom, without exception. This is a new era, which you may never truly understand, for as an older person, you are part of a retreating wave. But that Wave carries pearls, and treasures. Share them, for they have been gathered for no other reason. You are nothing but the Water, and the Spirit.

Let both the Young and the Elders be refreshed in the Perennial Tides of the Ocean.


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