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An Excellent First Year

Grand Master • 30 October 2022

An excellent first year for the EMO UK

The EMO UK has had an excellent and encouraging first Masonic year here in the UK.

Since our Grand Lodge Consecration last November, we have been meeting regularly, in joy and harmony, in our meeting place in the heart of London, UK.

Our Membership has not only grown organically and steadily, but we are delighted by the quality of Candidates and Affiliating Brethren whom we are fortunate to count among us!

We have Passed and Raised several Candidates, affiliated a number of Master Masons who have expressed their interest in the practice and study of the Egyptian Rites of our Order, and we have enjoyed the presentation of several Lectures in open Lodge on a variety of esoteric and hermetic subjects, such as the presence of Alchemy in the Three Degrees, the variations of Lodge layouts between various Symbolic Rites, the application of the Masonic Tools to Human Consciousness, the themes of Death and Resurrection, and more.

We are very fortunate to have a Grand Lodge culture which perfectly combines humour and joy with respectful sobriety of Labour; the Brothers and Sisters of the Order constitute a wonderful collection of Minds, Hearts and Souls, eager to explore together the deep Mysteries and high Philosophy of the Ancient and Primitive Rites of Memphis-Mizraim.

The year has not been without its challenges, and there has been a great deal of hard academic work involving translations, editorials, curation and comparison of works, the composition of adminstrative documentation, building our digital infrastructure, and the collation of our wonderful Masonic Curriculum and its various Handbooks, Lectures, rituals and exercises. Our studies are profound and far-reaching, but we also seem to have a great deal of laughter and good-will as we work together, along with profound revelations into the nature and origins of the Rites and Rituals. The Divine Power of the GAOTU, the Neteru of Old Egypt, and the Universe itself have most certainly been on our side this year, and a solid Foundation Stone has been lain.

We have also had the great pleasure of conveying the 33rd Degree to a most worthy and worshipful Doctor and Brother of our Order, as well as preparing for the continued Works of our many Inner Orders. The energy is high, and the enthusiasm is unwavering!

At the time of the Autumnal Equinox - which we call the
Repose of Nature - we successfully opened the first College of Perfection of our Order in the UK, and several worthy Brethren were elevated to the 4th Degree. A Secret Transmission was conveyed to them, and the potency of the ritual was tangible to all.

This November sees our Installation of a new Master into the Chair, and the commencement of our Lodge of Installed Masters, where we convey the secret theurgical and alchemical practices of our Symbolic Lodge.

In the year to come, we anticipate another Passing, another Raising, and several welcome Affiliations. We will be opening in increasingly Higher Degrees through the College of Perfection and R+C Chapter. We are also ready to commence our expansion, which we hope will result in more EMO UK Lodges opening up in other parts of the UK. We are also ready to respond to any requests from Independent Lodges for Regularisation with us; even interested groups of non-Masons who wish to pursue the study and practice of Egyptian Masonry may apply to us for guidance and assistance in starting up a Triangle (minimum of three persons) or a Lodge (five or more) under our Jurisdiction.

We look forward to welcoming more sympathetic and enquiring Souls among us, to assist in the construction of the Temple Not Made With Hands.


To apply to join us, please go to The Portal

For all Enquiries, please contact the Grand Secretary:

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