The RR et AC is a traditional Inner Order of Rosicrucian Adepts, each having risen through the Grades of the Outer Order to attain inward synthesis and a permanent connection to their Divine Genius. Only at this stage are our Initiates ready to practise the Greater Mysteries.
The S+CRC is the practical branch of the Inner Order, focussing on Practical Magic, Natural Magic and Thaumaturgy, including the energetic and psychic dynamics of Nature which are discovered, augmented and directed in the practical works of the Greater Mysteries.
The main Grades are:
0x0 (00=00) Portal of the Paths of the Adepti
5=6 Adeptus Minor + 7 Sub-Grades
6=5 Adeptus Major + 3 Sub-Grades
7=4 Adeptus Exemptus
Access is restricted to qualifying
of the ALA and the EMO UK Sanctuary.
The Dominus/Domina Liminis must synthesise all of their previous Knowledge, and unify the Cosmic Forces under the Rule of the Holy Spirit, aspiring to the K:.C:.H:.G:.A:.. They operate on the level of Paroketh, the Veil of the Sanctuary - the Labours of the Lord/Lady of the Portal are Spiritual and Unificatory. The Cosmic Forces are synthesised.
The Portal Grade requires two essential examinations:
I) The
Pentagonal Exam, which tests the Initiate on every aspect of the Outer Order Grades.
II) The Portal Thesis, which requires the Initiate to write a substantial essay on the structure, origins and processes of the Outer Order Grades and their rituals.
On completing the Portal Grade, the Initiate is required to take a nine-month retreat, which mimics the time a Child spends in the Womb of its Mother. During this time, they must make peace with their material life and incarnation, and contemplate their coming ascension to the Inner Order, where Spirit dominates.
The Adeptus Minor must delve into the subtle divisions and subdivisions of the Cosmic Forces, as well as completing the Works of the Book of Enoch. The Symbol of the 5=6 is the Rose-Cross. They operate on the level of Tiphareth, the Divine Beauty and Harmony.
The 5=6 Grade has Seven Sub-Grades, into which the work of the Adept is carefully divided. These Grades reflect the Elements, the Planets, and the Sephiroth in their organisation. The Enochian and Qabalistic traditions are studied in depth.
The Adeptus Major must descend bravely into the Depths and harrow Hell, overcoming the Darkness with the Power and Strength of +The Most High+, thereby purifying their Sphere. The Symbol of the 6=5 is the Phoenix. They operate at the level of Gevurah, the Divine Severity and Power. The 6=5 Grade has Three Sub-Grades. The Art of Evocation is mastered.
The Adeptus Exemptus must ascend in rapture to the Paradise of the Righteous, to complete the Alchemical Marriage and attain the Sovereignty of the Spirit. The Symbol of the 7=4 is the Winged Globe, or KNEPH. They operate at the level of Chesed, the Divine Mercy and Providence. Certain secret transmissions are given here. Alchemy predominates.
In the RRetAC, our Adepts practise the Greater Mysteries of Theurgy, Thaumaturgy, Invocation, Evocation, Practical and Spiritual Alchemy, Rsoicrucianism, Gnosticism, Pansophy, Magic, the Hermetic Arts, and Occult Sciences. The Elevations are performed in the Inner Crypt, in the Portal thereof, and in other Holy Chambers of the Sacred Mountain. The works are a synthesis of the Western Mystery Traditions, and a continuation of the Rite to its natural conclusions.
In the SCR+C, our Adepts study the purely practical application of their Knowledge and Powers, and make an indepth investigation into the practical, objective and phenomenological aspects of Occultism and Spiritism, including a study of the various aspects and manifestations of objective, psychic and paranormal phenomena. We investigate the measurable effects of occult practice, which is productive of Synchronicities, Anomalies, Prodigies, Signs and Wonders.
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