Elus Coens

Elus Coens

Created by Martinez de Pasqually and influenced by Louis Claude de Saint Martin and Jean-Baptiste Willermoz, the Elus Coens: Priests of the Universe are an Inner Order of senior Adepts, usually Martinist S:. I:., committed to the practice of Mystical Christian Invocation, Exorcism, Devotional Prayer and High Theurgy.

The magical work is complex and visionary, drawing the Priest Initiate into the vast realms of the Unseen - using multiple Holy Names, signs, diagrams, sigils, circles and symbol clusters - where they actively aspire to the Unio Mystica, whilst purging their Universe of its destructive and negative elements.

The Degrees reiterate those of Masonry, but go beyond these to Higher Degrees:


IV° Particular Master

V° Apprentice Coen (Strongly Marked)

VI° Companion Coen (Doubly Strongly Marked)


VII° Maître Élu et Parfait (Trebly Strongly Marked)


VIII° Grand Master Coen (Grand Architect)

IX° Grand Elect of Zorobabel (Knight of the Orient)


X° Commander of the Orient (Apprentice R+C)

XI° Réaux-Croix

The work requires dedication, necessitating the creation of a permanent personal sanctuary, or Oratory, in the home. The use of ritual swords, many candles, magical circles and pantacles will be essential.

Access is restricted to qualifying Masons of the EMO UK Sanctuary.

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