The ALA is the Outer Order of our Hermetic Tradition, which descends from the same traditional source as the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn (pre-1888). 

We have an identical system of Grades from 0=0 Neophyte, through 1=10 Zelator, 2=9 Theoricus and 3=8 Practicus, to 4=7 Philosophus, with the same Teaching Materials, Exercises, Flying Rolls, etc. However, we have also added new and unpublished material in every Grade, to assist our Initiates in their climb towards the Inner Sun. 

We teach practical magic in the Outer Order, with a strict regimen of Invocation, Scrying and Talismanic Consecration, working through every Element, Planet and Zodiacal Sign. Initiates are admitted to a Higher Grade through examination, practical assessment of ritual skill, and the production of an end-of-Grade essay.

Access is restricted to qualifying Masons of the EMO UK Sanctuary.

ALA Grades

0=0 Neophyte

The Neophyte must learn the essential tenets and creeds of the Order, to prepare themselves to pass through the Porchway of the Inner Mysteries of the Order. They operate on the level of Malkuth, the Kingdom in the Outer - the Labours of the Neophyte are Preparatory, Probationary & Purificatory.

1=10 Zelator

The Zelator has entered into the Hidden Valley, and must establish a firm basis upon which to build their Spiritual edifice. They operate on the level of Malkuth, the Kingdom in the Inner - The Labours of the Zelator are Practical and Material.

2=9 Theoricus

The Theoricus must ascend to the Realm of Instinct, Dream and Imagination, attuning to the fluctuations of the Lunar Sphere. They operate at the level of Yesod, the Cosmic Foundation - The Labours of the Theoricus are Psychological and Subconscious.

3=8 Practicus

The Practicus must ascend to the Realm of Mind, Thought and Intellect, attuning to the structure and geometries of Philosophical Mercury. They operate at the level of Hod, the Divine Splendour - The Labours of the Practicus are both Mental and Conceptual.

4=7 Philosophus

The Philosophus must ascend to the Realm of Emotion, Passion and Intuition, attuning to the Fiery Passion and Devotion of Venus. They operate at the level of Netzach, the Divine Victory - The Labours of the Philosophus are Emotional and Instinctual.

7 Month Retreat

On completion of the study, practical works and examinations of the Outer Order, the Initiate must complete a seven-month retreat to allow the Forces to integrate, at which point they are ready to approach the Inner Order.

ALA Studies

We draw from the scholarly works of Agrippa, Barrett, Levi, Solomon, Philalethes, Paracelsus, Kerning, MacGregor-Mathers, Westcott, Waite, Horniman, Fortune, and Regardie, as well as earlier French and German Adepts from whom the tradition derives. We also study various primary texts of the magical, Rosicrucian, alchemical, pansophic and occult traditions of Europe.

The ALA teaches practical magic in the Outer Order, with a strict regimen of Study, Meditation, Invocation, Scrying and Talismanic Consecration, working in a particular order through every Element, Planet and Zodiacal Sign. The Magical Tool of each Grade must also be constructed, painted and consecrated. Tarot and Geomancy are also practised.

Initiates are admitted to a higher Grade through formal examination, practical assessment of ritual skill, the creation of certain materials, and the production of an end-of-Grade essay. The goal is to guide our Initiates to a genuine flowering forth of their Consciousness, and of their Hidden Powers.

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