

Do you believe in equality and equity?
Are you spiritually and ethically minded?
Do seek those who share your interests?

The EMO UK is both a Fraternity and Sorority of Egyptian Rite Freemasonry.

We hold mixed Lodges and initiate persons of all Genders. We do not discriminate on any grounds; it is enough for our Candidates to be interested, capable, loyal, tolerant and committed. We seek to unite the whole of Humanity in the loving bonds of Responsible Liberty, Just Equality, and Fraternity-Sorority.

We are politically moderate and accepting of all Faiths. It is enough that our Candidates are convinced of the existence of a Higher Power, Divine Source or Universal Intelligence (however abstract) and believe in a world of Liberty, Justice, Equity and Social Compassion.

We also value joy, laughter and good-will!
What would the world be without it?

We are an English-speaking Order, but we acknowledge our constant fraternal-sororal connection with our European and Global Brothers and Sisters, and our Order's liturgical and ritual origins which derive from the Masonic traditions of Scotland, England, Italy, Greece, France, Spain, Germany and the Middle East.

We practise Esoteric Egyptian Masonry, working the Ancient and Primitive Rite of Memphis-Mizraim and the Traditional Egyptian Rite.


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